...how I got started as a writer.
The answer is a long story and almost a book in itself. The most important influence was my grandfather. I often visited him in the New Forest during my school holidays and he told me a lot
about his youth and how life in England used to be. Nobody else had such a good memory and took so much care in their choice of words. He taught me how to truly tell a story. Later, I wrote
stories myself and sent them to him. He always responded to them in very long letters, and we had a kind of author correspondence. That was the beginning. It shaped me and led me to become
a professional writer.
...what I do when I cannot think of anything.
That depends. Sometimes I look for something to keep me busy in the house, like duvet snuggling or walking in the Somerset countryside. When I focus on a simple chore, the ideas quietly work by
themselves and later I can just return to my desk and start writing. If I cannot think of anything for a longer period of time, I intensively work on a new topic or do some research.